2025 Saints Row The Third Remastered PS4懶人包,推薦清單整理


Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row: The Third is a 2011 action-adventure game developed by Volition and published by THQ. It is the sequel to 2008's Saints Row 2

遊戲《黑街聖徒3 Remastered》遊玩心得淺談

中文名稱:黑街聖徒3 Remastered. 英文名稱:Saints Row The Third Remastered. 主機平台:PC、PS5、PS4、Xbox One、Xbox SX. 遊戲類型:動作、角色扮演.

Saints Row: The Third Remastered

Saints Row®: The Third™ - Remastered gives you control of the Saints at the height of their power, and you live the life to show for it. This is your City.

Saints Row®

評分 3.0 (2,757) Saints Row: The Third - Remastered gives you control of the Saints at the height of their power, and you live the life to show for it.

Saints Row The Third Remastered (PS4) : 電動遊戲

評分 4.5 (431) PlayStation 4. 共13 筆優惠,售價為US$12.92 元起 · Saints Row The Third: Remastered (PS4). Deep Silver. 4.6 顆星,最高5 顆 ...

Saints Row: The Third Remastered Reviews

評分 74% (44) Saints Row: The Third Remastered, continues to entertain us as much as it did a decade ago. A title that is far from being monotonous and boring.

Saints Row: The Third Remastered (韓文, 英文)

在史上最稀奇的遊戲背景下單打獨鬥,乘坐坦克空降、對墨西哥摔跤幫派調用衛星瞄準的空襲,並與訓練有素的軍隊對戰。 如果你已經擁有此款遊戲的PS4™版本,那麼 ...

Saint Row The Third Remasterd worth it for ps4?

Its definitely worth buying for the upgraded visuals; the game looks really nice on PS4, huge upgrade to the PS3 graphics.

Saints Row 3 Remastered Review

Reviewed on PC by Ryan McCaffrey. Also available on PS4 and Xbox One. Note: the footage for this review was captured at 1920x1200, ...

Saints Row: The Third Remastered - Before You Buy

Saints Row: The Third Remastered (PC, PS4, Xbox One) is a cleaned up 4k version of the classic open world game. How is it? Let's talk.